Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gemma's Blog

Today was the first day I got to check Rachel Devine's blog : in a week do to traveling (more on that later im going to bed soon). But when I finally did check I was glad I did because I found out her oldest daughter, Gemma Devine who is currently 5 years old and has a love for photography, now has her own photoblog! It is : . I want to tell people this because this little girl is so young and amazing that if people didn't know about this they would be missing out...... but now that you know i'm going to sleep.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sophie's fund

Why is this?
Yesterday I logged on my computer and went straight to Rachel Devine's photoblog like I always do. I foung this post : . It is about a baby named Sophie , who will turn one on April 20th, and is already diagnosed with lymphoblastic luekemia. That's right she still a baby and has luekemia. This is why we have Sophie's fund: . Sophie's fund is where you can donate money to help her and her parent so we can all treat and cure her luekemia. Her mother is a photographer named jennifer kitrosser : . She has beautiful pictures. So please go read the story : and save a baby's life by donating.